They seem to like it here!!

They seem to like it here!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Just a word!

I have not been here in a while but oh how things are changing. How many of you can say that work is slowing down? Well as a land surveyor, I can tell you things are really slowing down.

I guess with the president going to continue the Bush tax cuts, that is a good thing. Don't get me wrong, I am completely thankful for the break we are gonna continue to receive, but why can't they really do something about payroll deduction? 2%...are you kidding me. That means if you make $500 a week you will see an additional $10 a week and $520 a year. Is $10 a week really gonna stimulate jobs and help people feel eager about spending there money?

You may be thinking the president did a good thing. Wait a minute!!! What about the additional 99 weeks of unemployement benefits? Where in the world is this money gonna come from. This is my biggest problem with goverment and those looking for handouts. What is gonna happen when we cannot borrow the handout money? When that happens our country as we know it is gone!!! Is that what you want Washington? Is that what you want entitlement seekers? Just burns me up that people do not care!!!


I knew I could find these pics somewhere!!! Guess who had them? My Glad she did because if it were up to me they would be lost somewhere. Check back soon because in another 5-6 weeks from now (5-5-2010) we will be making a new addition to the family. A English Cocker. Maybe Claire Belle will be a good girl and take to her well! I hope so because if something happens to that dog, my wife will have my hide!!!

One of my babies!

One of my babies!
This Claire Belle. She is a grumpy ole gal but in the field she has a HUGE nose and can find em even when the going is bad!! If she can't find a rabbit, it is just not there!

One of my babies!!!

One of my babies!!!
This is Emily...she is a good solid hound!!
