They seem to like it here!!

They seem to like it here!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Just a word!

I have not been here in a while but oh how things are changing. How many of you can say that work is slowing down? Well as a land surveyor, I can tell you things are really slowing down.

I guess with the president going to continue the Bush tax cuts, that is a good thing. Don't get me wrong, I am completely thankful for the break we are gonna continue to receive, but why can't they really do something about payroll deduction? 2%...are you kidding me. That means if you make $500 a week you will see an additional $10 a week and $520 a year. Is $10 a week really gonna stimulate jobs and help people feel eager about spending there money?

You may be thinking the president did a good thing. Wait a minute!!! What about the additional 99 weeks of unemployement benefits? Where in the world is this money gonna come from. This is my biggest problem with goverment and those looking for handouts. What is gonna happen when we cannot borrow the handout money? When that happens our country as we know it is gone!!! Is that what you want Washington? Is that what you want entitlement seekers? Just burns me up that people do not care!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

BP Deep Horizons oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico

I know it has been a while since I have been on here but things have been crazy around, softball, mom moving, bro-n-law gettting married those kind of things. Just like now, i can't finish cause I have to be somewhere at 2. I will be back and finish my thoughts.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Whew, what a weekend!

Nothing new happening yet, but the week is not over. I have got to go and put another super on one of my hives they are filling up supers this year at a very fast pace...not a bad thing at all. The way they look right now I am guessing we are going to have 400-500# of honey this year. I want to do some comb honey (where the comb is in the jar with the honey) but I might have waited too long this year. I am going this weekend to get a hive out of a is the first time I have tried this so, I am pretty anxious about doing this. Anxious at on one hand and excited on the other...hope they will be a good addition the the yard.

This is time of the year that tears me...on one hand I am happy because the bees are hard at work making honey but on the other hand the dogs can't run and the are just getting fat and sassy. I hope they enjoy the spring and the summer because once fall arrives they will be worked hard and will lose all the summertime blubber.

One little note on the political side. I heard a portion of hispanic rally today and the speaker was saying that there were 40 million hispanics in the United States and their enemy was the same as "Che" Guevara, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro's. Not the Minutemen, not the white man but capitalism and imperialism. Now this is probably the stupidest statement I have ever heard. I just don't understand. If capitalism is so bad, why did they leave their native countries and come to the United States? Because they thought they could better themselves because of the prosperity "OUR" capitalism. Now they say that is the enemy? How stupid can you be. I have a message to "Paco the Revolutionary", as he was called on the show, if you do away with the capitalism of the United States how would it be any better than the countries you left. If you want to live in a place like that...leave here and go to that place. If you want to be here work with the rest of us to try and make this a better place. Like someone said, can't remember who it was, "If your not with us, your against us!"

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 2...The pics!!! (some of them at least)

Well I said that I was going to post a few pics of my bees and dogs!! I found the pics of the bees but not the dogs! I will keep looking. Added a few other things here too! My wife sent me the poem!!! Wonder if she is trying to tell me something?? And I guess you need to know from the start my political leanings. Yes I am conservative and to quote Andrew Wilkow "Individual Patriot first, Conservative second and Republican third"! I remember back when I was a one hated government! Why? Because government was not in the way! We will touch these topics at a later date. As for now, I have some work to do!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I have looked all night to find a relaxing beach scene and finally went back to one of the first backgrounds that I actually found in the beginning. Oh well, it looks ok...I will find a better one once I understand html a little better. Anyway...I will be checking back soon. Oh, just remembered...gonna haves some pics of the bees and the dogs soon...check back!!!

Getting Started

Just getting this thing started will be back soon.


I knew I could find these pics somewhere!!! Guess who had them? My Glad she did because if it were up to me they would be lost somewhere. Check back soon because in another 5-6 weeks from now (5-5-2010) we will be making a new addition to the family. A English Cocker. Maybe Claire Belle will be a good girl and take to her well! I hope so because if something happens to that dog, my wife will have my hide!!!

One of my babies!

One of my babies!
This Claire Belle. She is a grumpy ole gal but in the field she has a HUGE nose and can find em even when the going is bad!! If she can't find a rabbit, it is just not there!

One of my babies!!!

One of my babies!!!
This is Emily...she is a good solid hound!!
